Saturday, January 21, 2012

Our First Trip to the Supermercado

Sorry it's taken so long to post anything new; ever since we arrived in Cancun it's been so busy.  And it took awhile to get the internet; we have it now but only for certain hours during the day. Love the people here...and the food, of course.

The ministry is very interesting and have met many folks who respect the Bible and are really concerned with the deteriorating conditions in the world.  There is crime here, of course, as in any large city in the US also but have always been with groups of friends and never felt unsafe.

Running out of time today so I'll just post some fotos I've taken in the last 2 weeks.

 Lindsey, Romina (our German amiga) and Wally (our local amigo)
A bit different than in the States, eh?

My granddaughter the Nuts display...

You'll be happy to know we did not buy our meat here, but the people were  so nice!

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