Saturday, February 4, 2012

From Our Roof Top

I took a few fotos from our roof; it's really nice up there.  We have table & lots of chairs, a grill and clothes lines so we can air dry our clothes.

This is looking across the water toward Isla Mujeres

Our street where three couples from the English Congregation also live.

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Cooking Papusas...and Puppies

This was a fun night...we made Papusas; well, mostly Jalum & Jesse made them.  It's a dish from
El Salvador and they were both raving about how good they were. They were good actually.

Lindsey, Jessie & Jalum

This guy showed us some of his 7 little puppies
So Cute! (puppies, not the man)

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Green Bananas & ParrotsII

There is a banana tree growing on the Salon del Reino (Kingdom Hall) property where the Cancun Centro Congregacion meets.  So I'm waiting for the huge bunch of green bananas to ripen.

The parrot in these fotos is a pretty common one here; sorry I can't recall the name of this kind but she was very friendly.  The owner, Miguel, said he doesn't try to keep her there but she stays at their house all the time so she must like it there.

Sorry Lindsey but the bananas were the star of this show.

George & Linda Papai

Miguel & the Parrot

Linki & the parrot

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Me...& the parrot

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

Servicio Fotos

We found this "urban ruin" in our territory.

Lindsey, Lesha, & Brittany

Lindsey's turn...

Stairs to nowhere... 
Saw friends from one of the Spanish congregations in servicio also.
There are 100 Spanish congregations in Cancun!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Fruit Market & Around Town in Cancun

That's me clutching my leftovers from lunch; then on to the fruit market next door.

One of the tons of fruit markets in the city.

Puerto Juarez - where you catch a ferry to Isla Mujeres.

Random street foto

Lindsey & a mountain of cebollas (onions).

First look at the beach across the street from our apartment.

Now you know a little more about where we are; and Lindsey has some fotos of the apartment on her FB page. I'll post more soon as I get the time.  We've been very busy with servicio and visiting with friends plus we have only certain hours we can use the internet. That's it for tonight; miss everyone!!!

In the Ministry

We have a really great time in "servicio" here; lots to see and friendly people.  Plus, our brothers and sisters are such fun to be with. 

Taking a break...Jalum, Jesse, Pablo

Angelina, Faith, & Romina

Angelina (Angie) Copete in her neighbrohood

Lovely flowers in Angie's area

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Our First Trip to the Supermercado

Sorry it's taken so long to post anything new; ever since we arrived in Cancun it's been so busy.  And it took awhile to get the internet; we have it now but only for certain hours during the day. Love the people here...and the food, of course.

The ministry is very interesting and have met many folks who respect the Bible and are really concerned with the deteriorating conditions in the world.  There is crime here, of course, as in any large city in the US also but have always been with groups of friends and never felt unsafe.

Running out of time today so I'll just post some fotos I've taken in the last 2 weeks.

 Lindsey, Romina (our German amiga) and Wally (our local amigo)
A bit different than in the States, eh?

My granddaughter the Nuts display...

You'll be happy to know we did not buy our meat here, but the people were  so nice!